Five Cool Ways People Use Their ScoreBand

July 11, 2014

TGIF Everyone!

Whether you are spending this weekend on the golf course, playing a match on the tennis court, or shooting hoops with friends, ScoreBand has you covered for keeping the score and allowing you to free your mind up and focus on your game.  But have you ever wondered if there are other ways to put this smart-watch to use?  I wondered if anyone out there has used their ScoreBand in more creative ways than the obvious applications.  And, after checking with the team here, I learned that many customers have shared some pretty interesting stories of how they have put their ScoreBand to use!  

And let me tell you, people have found some VERY creative ways to use ScoreBand. While working in the office this morning, I compiled a list of the creative and unusual situations we have heard – AND different ways we have used our ScoreBand as well.  Here is our top five:     

5. The Kindergarten Teacher

One of our customers is a Kindergarten teacher and does not leave the house without her ScoreBand.  She uses it to keep count of her children as they file in and out of the classroom to go to lunch, recess, and the art room.  It helps her ensure that all of her students are accounted for and that no one is lost or left on the playground!

4. The Warehouse Manager

 We had a call a while back from a warehouse manager at a brewery. He was asking how high ScoreBand could count because he needed something to help him count the cases of beer in his warehouse. We told him it can go up to 9,999 if used properly in AllScore mode (top digit on display for hundreds and thousands digits, bottom for up to “99”). SOLD!

…after that story I’m getting kinda thirsty! 9,998 bottles of beer on the wall…

3.  The Psychologist 

 A psychologist recently purchased several ScoreBands for use with his patients.  He was employing a method in which every day his patients would keep track of their bad thoughts, and each day they would try to reduce these bad thoughts in order to live a happier, less stressful life.  They use the ScoreBand to keep track of how many bad thoughts they had each day so that they can record their progress.

2. The Gambler

One of our customers uses their Scoreband at the Casino!  Easy way to keep track of your wins…or losses… right? Nothing illegal happening there, I’m sure.

1. The Dad

Finally, one customer told of how he uses his ScoreBand to help manage his child’s behavior. Sometimes his 3 year-old daughter does not do what is asked of her. He couldn’t figure out how to coax her to be a better “listener.” Then it hit him to try the ScoreBand that he was always wearing and that his daughter was obsessed with.

Now whenever his daughter is not listening, he asks her if she wants a “Good Listener” point or a “Bad Listener” point. She caught on to this new game immediately! Her behavior improved dramatically because she wanted to rack up the “Good Listener” points and did not want any “Bad Listener” points.

When she goes a full day with more good points from Mom or Dad she gets an award. What a great way to make sure your child is behaving!!

There are many more uses for ScoreBand and we’d love to hear how you use your ScoreBand. So, leave a comment here or on Facebook.


Have a great weekend! 

- Amanda 

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