
ScoreBand Sponsorship


ScoreBand sponsored athletes play an important role in the overall company strategy. ScoreBand is always searching for more athletes to join our team. Whether you play Tennis, Golf, Pickleball, Disc Golf, Foot Golf, etc., we invite all athletes from near and far to join team ScoreBand

ScoreBand will provide product at no charge to those players looking to gain an edge in competition.

To be considered for a ScoreBand sponsorship, players must be:


  • Enthusiastic about ScoreBand
  • A competitive/tournament player
  • Active on Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.)
  • Willing to participate in promotions
  • An active communicator

Please e-mail a brief statement to connect@scoreband.net as to why you would be a good fit to represent ScoreBand.  Please also include links to all personal social media outlets.

We look forward to hearing from you!

-Team ScoreBand